In a world where we’re moving about our sun at 67,000 miles per hour, and we can send a virtual business card at the touch of a button from our iphone rolodex, there’s something exceedingly reassuring about the simple “old fashioned” printed business card. Good news! At officeLOCALE Coworking Spaces and Business Center you have the best of “both worlds.”
Just as words contain energy, one’s business card contains this same energy and can have a powerful impact upon connecting and relationships. A business card is not only one’s “calling card,” and networking tool, but one’s very brand is represented on this humble little card and can make a world of a difference.
Ironically, having only the digital presence can work against one. Recently, there was an episode on Shark Tank whereby all sharks state clearly that being “present” is key and “old school” in-person style has assuredly not fallen by the wayside. Indeed, the business card is alive and thriving on a global scale and face to face networking goes hand in hand with the business card (pun intended). When an individual in many countries such as Japan or China gives you a business card, and one does not reciprocate with card in hand, any possible business relationship becomes null, and void and they will not do business with you. Many entrepreneurs absolutely live by and actually insist on, as the commercial goes, “Doing business the old fashioned way… business cards!”
Fun fact: ‘Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.’ Albert Camus. Many classic films are wrought with heartache over missed opportunities, be it a passing stranger in a crowd, or a chance meeting with a possible business contact in an elevator or a party, and many a forlorn business executive or star-crossed lover cries still, “why in the world didn’t I have a business card to give out!”
At OfficeLOCALE Coworking Space boutique we believe in second chances, and whoever said, “you never get a second chance to make a first impression,” didn’t have a card made from OfficeLOCALE Coworking Spaces. Expert designers are at the ready to design and print your quality calling card, from simple to extravagant, we’ll make sure your business card is authentically aligned to your own uniqueness, your goals, be it to increase sales and/or reach out to what might have been a ‘missed opportunity.’ In the words of John Lasseter, ‘Quality is the best business plan.’ Call OfficeLOCALE at 805 777- 8866
To be or not to be? The answer is “To be!” Long live the business card!